Mommy Wants Mayonnaise: October 21, 2022
Dear Mommy Wants Mayonnaise,
My baby recently went to daycare so I could go back to work. Although I’ve tried to mentally prepare for all the changes that brings, what I wasn’t been prepared for was all the germs! My baby got sick for the first time within a week of going to daycare and I’m a mess over it. She had a fever and was lethargic for several days and now I find myself hyper alert to the next time this happens since we are entering winter and flu season. I know I can’t sustain this level of anxiety over her getting sick. Is there anything I can do for her and me through flu season?
-Stressed about Sickness
Dear Stressed,
I am right there with you, remembering how difficult it was the first time our baby got sick. It’s a helpless feeling paired with lots of tears and a resolve to not have it happen again. You are not alone in wanting to protect her from illness, as most parents wish to have a plan to reduce the risks. Although some exposure to germs is helpful to building up a baby’s immune system, there are steps you can take to reduce germ exposure. Things like changing their clothes when they get home, washing hands frequently, and wiping down toys are helpful to contain the spread of germs. To address your elevated stress, you might also want to craft a game plan for sick days, such as setting aside some PTO, coordinating with your workplace to work from home, or flexing your work hours to tend to your sick child when they are sent home from daycare unexpectedly. If you feel your child is getting sick more often than you’d expect with them being exposed to other kids at daycare, talk to your pediatrician about other ideas to keep your child healthy, including things like vitamins and a flu shot if appropriate.
Dear Mommy Wants Mayonnaise,
My spouse has been so excited to introduce solids to our six month old. The first few weeks went well, with our baby boy enjoying new foods and flavors. However, this week he had his first allergic reaction. It was rather unexpected and my spouse and I were both scared as a result. Now my spouse is wanting to pump the breaks on introducing our son to additional foods. Although I understand it, the decision to halt solids is adding stress to me in seeing my milk supply dwindle. What’s the right thing to do?
-Scared of Solids
Hi Scared,
It’s completely understandable that both you and your spouse are trying to figure out how to support your baby boy’s growth without putting him at risk of another allergic reaction. If you have a clear sense of which food was the culprit, you could agree to avoid that particular food for a while before attempting to re-introduce it again as he continues to grow. Some allergies will age out with infants as their digestive systems get better adjusted to solids, so depending on the type of allergic reaction, it might be worth testing again to see if it’s a definite allergy, however scary that might sound. In the meantime, you could consider continuing with other purees and solids that haven’t been a problem for your son. Although you might want to wait a day or two for his system to re-regulate, reintroducing solids that he’s enjoyed with no ill-effects could reduce your stress about your milk supply and support your spouse in rediscovering the joy of foods with your son. If allergic reactions continue to be a problem, consult your pediatrician to see what other appropriate steps can be taken for his safety and well-being.
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Khara is a Licensed Mental Health/Financial Therapist and mom in Denver, Colorado. This column is meant for educational purposes only and does not represent advice or replace a trained professional. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. If you are struggling with your mental health, please dial 988 to talk with a trained professional.